Обучение и образование   ->   Москва

Индивидуальные креативные уроки английского

If you want to re-energize your language skills, to make your English more presentable, to keep it fit and to do it in a non-boring way – Miss Muse is ready to take you to the Enchanted Gardens of Active English and her brain-and-tongue twisting sessions.

Each session is two hours of challenge, creativity , boiling brains, dynamic and thought-provoking activities , freshest&hottest idioms, and art-projects. Plus a healthy dose of humor:)

Games We Play : Oceania of Opportunities, !00% Kung-Fu, Happy Circumstances Generator, The Big Human Atomizer, Fishing In The River Of Time, Meet The Ghosts!, Captain Jack Sparrow Prize, Chess Battles, The Green Jig, The Dictionary Of Dreams and others.

If you are ready for adventures and intensive language practice , you are welcome.
Цена: 2500
Валюта: Рубли

Контакт: Muse
Размещено: 19.09.2012
email: написать письмо автору объявления
Сайт: http://www.fusiontrainings.com