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Project: the East is the West and the West is the East (the past and the present of Ukraine)

East is East, and West is West,
and never the twain shall meet.
R. Kipling

The urgency of project is caused by the searches for the bases of the mutual understanding of the cultures of Confucian, Buddhist, Islamic, Christian regions and to the solution of the problem of integral safety and steady development of global civilization.
From the lifetime of Tripoli’s culture (5-3 thousand years B.C.) the interpenetration of the cultural codes of the East and the West, the South and the North occurred in Baltic – Black sea`s region, in which Ukraine occupies a central place.

Content of the project: the political, cultural, religious, lingual, ethnic history of Europe’s peoples and their neighbors .

The purpose of project consists of the disclosure of the historically caused integrity of global civilization, in spite of the cultural, religious, lingual, ethnic variety of regions.
* General symbols of the civilizations, which existed in Asia, Africa, Europe from the end of 4 thousand B.C. prior to the beginning of 2 thousand B.C.

Контакт: Andrew
Размещено: 11.06.2006
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